Forum: 3DS MAX

Subject: Figure Morphs

Darchind opened this issue on Jan 15, 2013 · 10 posts

LuxXeon posted Tue, 15 January 2013 at 3:30 PM

Quote - > Quote -   Poser is a bit of a dirty word round here apparently :biggrin:


It's been my observation that there isn't nearly as much anti-Poser sentiment here as there is on some of the 3dsMax sites and professional art sites like cg talk, etc, where people tend to judge art by the tools used to produce it.

CGtalk is 90% about technique of creating a 3D scene or animation.  So when you intend to discuss the technical aspect of how you went about creating your art, then the tools you used become an important focus of conversation, and especially when you have young people who are trying to get into a particular studio, or work in a particular field of 3D, where the studios in that field may rely heavily on a particular brand of software in their pipelines, for whatever reasons.  Yes, the software used and how things were made are very important, and do take center stage on many 3d related websites, for many reasons.


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