Forum: Cinema 4D

Subject: The Millenium Falcon (large images)

Chris opened this issue on May 25, 2010 · 91 posts

unclebob posted Sun, 17 July 2011 at 7:14 PM

Quote - . . . . 

The Falcon has now about 3.2 Mio polys but its still a "dirty" model. There are alot of parts that can be modified and cleaned. I will do that when I prepare it for mapping.


Chris, this beauty becomes more awesome with every posting, the detail is stunning and your ability to stick with it is inspiring.

you'll have to do a video of you doing the mapping. I want to see you foam at the mouth . . 3.2 m polys and do the mapping?  That alone would send me screaming for the exits.  my hat is off to you sir.
