Forum: Vue

Subject: A Thousand Words

Fidelity2 opened this issue on Apr 26, 2011 ยท 18 posts

thundering1 posted Sun, 08 May 2011 at 9:43 AM

Tell ya what - start your new scene/image, and post it as a WIP in the Critique Forum (or here in the Vue Forum - since you will have the greatest wealth of Vue users at your disposal).

Vent your frustrations - you want it to "do this" or "have that look" or "it's just not coming out like THIS" kinda thing and we'll all chime in and push and pull the directions you're hoping to go.

We'll do the whole "try this, try that" and you go back and play, come back with a new iteration, rinse, reapeat until you're (relatively speaking) happy with your image.

And keep in ind you'll NEVER be 100% happy. Even Rochr looks at his finished stuff and has SOMETHING to grimace about that he wished came out better.
