Forum: Vue

Subject: A Thousand Words

Fidelity2 opened this issue on Apr 26, 2011 ยท 18 posts

bernieloehn posted Wed, 04 May 2011 at 2:12 PM

Dear Fidelity,

It is a long way to become satisfied with own art results because there are always people who seem to be better. they are definitly not. They just have other souls and work in a diffeerent way.

So if you want to be an artist and enhance your art then there are two points to note:

  1. Always give the best you are able to do. The road to success is long and has lots of curves.

  2. Never, really never ever care about what other people think, say or write about your art! Reason: When you create an art subject/object you are offering a deep view to your soul. So others should feel honored that you open your soul.

I hope this might help you.

All the best to you and chin up!


Yours Bernie

Keep cool and fight for the right of others
to have a different opinion than you have!

;- ) Bernie