Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: should poser have a new raytrace render engine?

ice-boy opened this issue on Apr 25, 2011 ยท 111 posts

ice-boy posted Sun, 01 May 2011 at 1:58 PM

Quote - What's up is that soft/blurred reflections are missing in Poser. That's the look characteristic of the unbiased renderers that people notice is lacking Poser. The other aspect is how easily the many unbiased renderers correctly produce the Fresnel effect, whereas in Poser you have to at least build the Schlick approximation yourself and that's 4-5 nodes more you have to work into a shader. Most users can't/won't do it. When they render with, for example, LuxRender, they marvel at the realism of the surfaces. It's just those two things.

and from what i understand its hard to have fast soft/blurred reflectiosn in firefly because it is firefly.