Forum: Freestuff

Subject: My freebies

zippy opened this issue on Apr 30, 2011 ยท 26 posts

zippy posted Sat, 30 April 2011 at 1:28 PM

Thank you Alisa for understanding I didn't want to offend people who'd paid for my stuff.

I'm sorry I'm complaining, I must sound very selfish, but none of you know that I'm still a bit raw and upset because my Mum died very recently. I've lost the person who always gave me the most encouragement and reason for being alive. Having intensively cared for her for many years I now feel a bit lost now I'm on my own and not sure what to do now I've got no one to look after. That's why I'm trying to do some more models.

Lot's of you have been very kind today and given me many thanks for my latest freebies...that does make me feel better. Thank you:)