Forum: Freestuff

Subject: My freebies

zippy opened this issue on Apr 30, 2011 ยท 26 posts

zippy posted Sat, 30 April 2011 at 12:22 PM

bobby, I wouldn't dream of asking anyone for donations, this stuff should always remain free if I've posted it as free. I've often suggested to people on my web site that they can, if they wish, give something to charity, and that's the way I'd rather do it. I'm happy to pay my way in the Poser stores, same as anyone else.

It isn't just our government being difficult...they'd have to trust people like me to be honest, and then 'other people' take advantage of that, rip the government off, and then it's the honest people who suffer.

Tell you what though, what would be nice would be if more people posted 'thank you's' when they download freebies...they can't all not speak English. Getting thank yous always encourages me to do more. My website downloads ammount to several gigabytes every week, with only a handfull of thanks. What puzzles me is that I rarely see any of my stuff listed in the galleries, so where the heck it all goes to is just a total mystery!!!!!!!!! I can only imagine it must be hoovered up by aliens from other planets!