Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Render setttings, AO Light Settings and Seams showing, need help...

MatCreator opened this issue on Feb 08, 2011 ยท 116 posts

MatCreator posted Fri, 11 February 2011 at 3:30 PM

And here I use the Light Meter and the VSS. Made a huge difference, but I'm thinking the color came out somewhat off, so I can't help but feel I missed something.

Is this when we use the script>Material Mods>Change Gamma?!?

... what do I put, and what do I tell it to select =/ I went through that before and didn't grasp it.

As a content creator, I can honestly say it is NOT that we do not adapt, I think we weren't told we even had too. HUGE difference... I believe, that if BB's scene, light set up and VSS shaders were part of the Poser Content when installed, and if it was documented, that that would have solved A LOT of peoples problems and frustration. I also believe that render settings should have been included to cover the range of image light styles at varied quality settings (this was mentioned in another thread as well) to act as a guide for us to follow. I think most people will leave settings at their default until told to do so or if some need arises...

For a dummy like me, I want for Christmas a simple, step by step guide on getting various light set ups, set up =P Screencaps and all... I don't want to come off as an ass, but I don't open Poser thinking to do calculus. I don't even know how to pronounce 1/2 the node names we use...

For example, this is how I explain how to do polypainting in ZBrush:

--- For "Regular" Mapped Objects ---

Import mesh

Disable your UVs

Start painting: make sure RGB is on, and zAdd is off

Import and reload your figure

Create a new texture by going to the texture menu: enter desired dimensions

click on "new"

click 'Col>Tex' in your texture tool palette

Go back to the texture menu, and 'flip V'

Export your texture map

Turn off the texture

If you want to continue painting, disable your UVs again and start the process over.

In between there I throw a screencap, with red arrows pointing. I highlight the buttons when explaining "click". I NEED to see menus, just telling thevalues doesn't stick...

I hope this doesn't come off as though I'm knocking teaching styles, I am explaining how I best take in info. This is a "me" thing. The paraphrased w/ screencaps methods is what works for me. Unless I am told or explained how to do something in these programs, I stick w/ the "default". All the info is scattered throughout the forums here, doesn't do BB's scene or VSS any justice. I'm curious just how many or what percentage of the Poser owners know about this, or even better, how to best take advantage of it =/

Trust me, trhis has been an awesome learning experience for me, and I think I'll get the hang of it real soon. But, as a content creator, I admittedly just released a set of shaders at Daz that use "old skool" methods =/ Sadly, I did not get an email that everything was changing =P

There are 3 kinds of people in the world. Those that can count, and those that can't..