Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Render setttings, AO Light Settings and Seams showing, need help...

MatCreator opened this issue on Feb 08, 2011 ยท 116 posts

MatCreator posted Fri, 11 February 2011 at 9:55 AM

Ok, I have realized three things... 1. When it comes to this kind of stuff, I am truly an idiot. 2. This stuff is not idiot proof.

That said, I have truly exhausted my left and right brains ultimate capacity to comprehend and apply all I have learned, and I think my brain may have considered the possibility to absorb only 1 tenth of what I have seen. I love learning, but this has went way too deep to follow through simple forum posts. I have seen calculus, charts, greyscale color graphs, scripts I don't have, scripts I do have and don't know how to use (or even knew they existed or why), acronyms with no explanation, features mentioned that I don't even know if it's Poser or not.....

As an artist, my brain is wrapped around making sure the tubing sticking out of some guys ass that has multiple minions with pipes for necks and tongues for eyes flowing through this proverbial pipe all while having conversation w/ the old man that has melted into the fused wooden and concrete wall. Never mind the guy juggling vents of spewing acid or the step ladder tongue stretching thru the guts of egos infinite wisdom =/

I have found conflict with a few things that have been advised, either that, or I am an even worse shape than I think. The Inverse Square, Gamma Correction, how many lights to use, too bright part has evaded me, and it is with much "dental pain", I am able to show you the render that I favor the most WITH the light meter =D

I feel like applause should be in the background, not as easy -finding- for some reason... That's me and frustration setting in...

But now that it is there, what do I do to fix my image?!?

This image uses 3 lights, the same as posted in previous screencaps. 1 infinite, and 2 spotlights. Infinite at 86% and spots at 68%. I cant help but feel like anything I do darkens the image by too much, as it is an outside scene, there "should" be light from everywhere. A broad daylight, out in the open scene, relative/very slight hue from the sky... I have heard of MANY using just 1 light at 25%?!?!? I don't see how that could be possible...

I still don't "follow" how best to interpret this to determine what I should do...

I'm going to play more w/ BB's room AND sphere now... But I can't read anymore... There's stuff oozing out of my ear =/

There are 3 kinds of people in the world. Those that can count, and those that can't..