Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Render setttings, AO Light Settings and Seams showing, need help...

MatCreator opened this issue on Feb 08, 2011 · 116 posts

hborre posted Thu, 10 February 2011 at 8:51 PM Online Now!

Let us back up a bit.  I have never found any reason to increase light intensity to over 100%.  IMO, all you will succeed in doing is blowing out all your highlights and shadows.  If gamma correction is active in your render settings, there is no need to even use lighting at 100% under most circumstances.  Now, if you go back to your scene, there is no reason to use inverse square in any lighting representing the sun for daylight.  You either use infinite or point lighting, and the point light with constant attenuation.  The link below, demonstrates the use of one infinite light to provide daytime sun using render gamma correction and IDL.

Specular lighting does not add any additional illumination, it enhances specular highlights in texture if that particular is channel is active.  You would need to check this the material room.  You mentioned BB's lights.  If this is lighting which came with is studio set up, you are fine.  However, if this is his original lights created for VSS, then they were incorrectly designed.  Those lights do run too hot and need their intensities decreased substantially.  Do use his Light meter.  It will indicate what is working and lacking in your scene.