Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Dynamic cloth - the cloth room For Compleat Dummies

RobynsVeil opened this issue on Dec 03, 2010 · 409 posts

BionicRooster posted Mon, 06 December 2010 at 12:14 PM Forum Moderator

I haven't been around much the last few weeks, and the only thing I have worked on was an image for my niece. She asked me to make a pic with her as a super hero, and wanted "Nemo" colors. Don't ask me, she's 15, so who knows what's going thru her head. Anyways, the suit is dynamic, as I didn't want to spend the time rigging it, and I like dynamic clothes anyway. Had to veer away from V4, for "size" differences, so I used Stephanie petite, seemed to fit the build better. Here is the end result, with BB's VSS used with the textures made from her photos, and the most complicated node setup I have ever had to put together on the suit. She likes it, so I am happy with it.

If anyone needs the link for the clothroom settings and their effects, just lemme know, I have posted it many times, and have no problem posting it again, as it has been just about the most useful link I have found that covers the cloth room.






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