Forum: Vue

Subject: Lux render engine?

Darboshanski opened this issue on Aug 29, 2010 ยท 24 posts

alexcoppo posted Sun, 29 August 2010 at 2:29 PM

On DAZ forums there is much excitement about the Studio->Lux exporter but the renders I saw aren't better than the ones you could get out of Vue. Needless to remember that all the environmental functionalities of Vue like ecosystems and atmospherics are missing. I think that Lux place is mainly as a super renderer for Blender and similar applications.

A completely different issue would be a Vue->VRay path (VRay has a spectacular instancing engine).

P.S.: DAZ seems to work day and night about finding creative ways to harm its own products. The Studio->Lux exporter makes Carrara nearly useless as a renderer for Studio (Lux engine is light years beyond Carrara capabilities). First they endorse Vue as Poser content renderer, then they sell the Studio->Lux exporter... I am glad that I did not waste my money getting Carrara 8 Pro :sneaky:.

GIMP 2.7.4, Inkscape 0.48, Genetica 3.6 Basic, FilterForge 3 Professional, Blender 2.61, SketchUp 8, PoserPro 2012, Vue 10 Infinite, World Machine 2.3, GeoControl 2