Forum: Vue

Subject: Flexi-rules: to be bent or broken at moderator’s/admin’s whim

ArtPearl opened this issue on Aug 15, 2010 · 48 posts

bclaytonphoto posted Thu, 26 August 2010 at 2:11 PM

Well, since my name is now being throw  about.....

Once the "naked alien" issue was resolved...any images that were still in holding were restored. The image in question must have been in pending for more than 15 days, because it wasn't there.

There was no malice on my part, nor was I trying to assist one member over another.

No, I didn't say I was "fixing things"...I just offered to help..There was an issue and I offered to act as an intermediary.

If you felt slighted, why not just contact me? 

To be honest, I thought this had come to a decent ending. I'm sorry that your image may have been lost, but I can tell you honestly, I went thru all of the images that were in the "pending" section. I know I didn't miss any. The only possible answer is that it was there for more than 15 days.

The naked Alien issue is over..It's been resolved.. I've offered an apology. I'm just not sure what else your looking for.

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