Forum: Vue

Subject: Flexi-rules: to be bent or broken at moderator’s/admin’s whim

ArtPearl opened this issue on Aug 15, 2010 · 48 posts

LostinSpaceman posted Thu, 26 August 2010 at 8:28 AM

Quote - First of all, they were put in holding more than 15 days ago, so they've been purged from the system.  However, it was Bruce that was handling that, and those who got their images restored worked with and communicated with Bruce to get them reinstated.  Did you communicate with him regarding that?  He wouldn't have known what images were whos from facebook usernames alone.

*edited for clarity

He knew exactly which image was pulled because we did discuss it and he was the one who came back FINALLY to say that those two aliens weren't nude. So yeah, I DID communicate with him and NO my images weren't restored before being purged. At least NOW I know they've been purged and I can just quit waiting.