Forum: Vue

Subject: Flexi-rules: to be bent or broken at moderator’s/admin’s whim

ArtPearl opened this issue on Aug 15, 2010 · 48 posts

thundering1 posted Wed, 25 August 2010 at 9:27 PM

Just came across this post - chiming in. And just to be clear - as these types of threads tend to get heated - imagine me with a very calm voice, and at most "shrugging". This isn't a rant - just typing off the top of my feeble head.

There is only 1 thread I can remember where I just went ballistic at someone (the guy was an activist, and oddly for this thread, targeting Rendo's nudity clause as they had an article about DaVinci on the front page, with one of his illustrations that had male nudity as the thumbnail). I realized I went too far and now ACTIVELY try NOT to.

So - your original numbers.

1 - Some parents took their photos into a lab to be printed - they were family photos, and some were "bathy" pictures. Every parent I know has taken them, including myself - giggling as you play with the kids. My parents took out MY bathy pics when I'd bring a date home just to get a laugh themselves, etc.

When the parents came to get them, they were arrested for "child pornography".

I have YET to meet a parent - or PERSON - who was NOT confused, baffled, and/or outraged by the fact that they were arrested. WTF?!?! But laws in the US (where Rendo is located) are twitchy about body parts - we have yet to get over our Puritan roots, it seems.

If "it" doesn't have clothes on, I figure I'll just click the nudity flag. Why not? This doesn't stop me from posting, and it doesn't mean people can't see my images. What it DOES mean is that someone who has a filter (like an account set up for a minor by their parent, etc.) won't see the images (remember that whole Puritan part?). Just clicking the nudity flag doesn't put me out - I honestly have yet to figure out the big deal. It's posted. It's in our galleries. Done. And checking a box doesn't make your image any less from an artistic POV IMO.

I also have so FEW images with nudity it's not a big deal for me - and yes, I fully realize this is why my opinion differs greatly. I usually do environments, still life stuff, etc., most of which don't have a figure, or if they did they'd be out of place being nude. More often than not it doesn't occur to me to "make a nude image". It's not a goal, but if it were, I'd just click it and go on to the next one.

2 - Unless it's SPAM, I don't care. Hell, one of mine's at the bottom of my post. I figure people have to sell their wares somehow, or wanna share a cool tool/brush/app/beer with other possibly like-minded people.

This gets sticky - yeah, I can see that. Where's the line - is there a specific way to define it to enforce it? I doubt it, so some things (which may be more or less subtle about it) are bound to bounce back and forth.

I'm just so laid back about it, though, that I honestly meant that unless it's SPAM I don't care.

3 - I had the exact same thought - especially as I bounce assets between C4D, Mudbox, Poser, and Vue, then Photoshop and possibly After Effects. CGSociety has this, why not Rendo?

Once while frustrated, I made the "multiple app link" comment to my wife who is a programmer. Her FIRST thought was Rendo's history - thousands, if not millions, of images that would need to be re-linked. And if it goes bad, it would go REALLY bad.

Oh yeah... (eyes blink, then a frustrated look on face) Yeah, I guess that would suck to have many of your images, possibly all of them, suddenly go into digital limbo.

I post footage up at pond5 an they have a great system for how the footage was created, categories and genres, etc. so it's listed in every manner you can get out there for people to find. It was also created from the ground up to do this very thing.

IIRC, Rendo started out as a Poser community. When people started posting from different apps, they added that "you could check the app you used" kinda thing. Not BOTH, but which one you used - cuz I imagine at the time we didn't bounce back and forth as much as they tended not to play well together.

Fast forward 10 years and we have Vue xStream which is SUPPOSED to work INSIDE other apps - holy cow! Well, Rendo didn't think about that originally, and retrofitting would be a nightmare.

And yes, I fully agree that simply stating - "Dude... (wide-eyed, head slowly shakes) We can't safely make it work..." would be a fine statement to just make once and for all. You can't please everyone - don't try.

And I've said this before - and I know it gets some people up in arms, so sorry folks - but Rendo is privately owned. They can make whatever rule they want (only images with SHEEP are accepted - must have a sheep SOMEWHERE in the frame or it will be flagged and taken down!), and enforce whatever rules they have however they want. (I'm shrugging right now - see, I told you it's what I do)

You want "anything goes"? Have your own personal site, and use Rendo to bring traffic to it. As long as your images/content isn't illegal in and of itself, post what you got with no flags to be seen. Mine's $27 a month (a Blue-Ray movie), but you can have them MUCH cheaper.

Good luck. Don't leave. Take care-
