Forum: Vue

Subject: Flexi-rules: to be bent or broken at moderator’s/admin’s whim

ArtPearl opened this issue on Aug 15, 2010 · 48 posts

silverblade33 posted Mon, 23 August 2010 at 9:10 PM

if yer still reading
sorry never saw bit you mentioned me, sorry :/

Human organization suck frog b*lls!  :lol:
simple fact of life, alas

too sick lately to be doing much art let alone moaning about this, as it's alas, pointless, folk ALWAYS march down to the "Furher Bunker" and damn themselves even in the face of overwhelming evidence they are wrong
and that, bernieloehn, is NOT an insult or dig at your nation, just simple example of what nearly ALL Humans do ;)
got plenty of examples form my country, too.

The jackboot, the gulag, the auto-da-fe and the gas chamber are easily understood evils, the worst evils though are far less obvious, however. We have the benefit of hindisght to realize those things I mentioned were evil, other things are emerging that are worse because folk can't see them until they get squashed by the oncoming storm.

classic psychological study of "torture at the order of scientist" proved that only about 1:8 people have sufficient morals, mental fortitude and sense of PERSONAL identity, to not go along with the "group"
Very scary stuff. Abu-Ghraib was NOT deviant behaviour, it's TYPICAL behaviour for Humans in those conditions. Seriously, you can go check up on the studies.

also, guns are not ever the problem, guns are pieces if inanimate metal, I am not afraid of guns or tanks or whatever inanimate object. I'm afraid of the person using them.
it's the damn owners who are a problem IF they are stupid/bad. Nazis banned private firearm ownership except for the "elite", remember. So does nearly every tyranny
Germany is itself doing it again without realizing it (all nations do in fact make such errors, it's inevitable)
video games do not make folk commit mass murder, if so, when did Hitler play "Doom"? Did Ghengis Khan play "Civilization", etc? ;)

Hitler was almost certainly suffering from syphillitic mania, a mental illness well known even then, what the problem was, was not his madness, it was the SANE folk who supported him for their own ends.
Industrialists wanted resources from captured lands, the elite of society and industrialists wanted socialism/communism stopped so the could keep treating the poor like dirt, the military wanted it's machismo again, etc
Common Human failings, but spiralled into disaster.

gun control was brought in the UK after the anarchist/communist events in Europe/Russia to prevent revolution, historical fact,NOTHING to do with criminality. later murders were used as excuses by increasingly power-mad governments to prevent any threat to their power. It was no accident such controls came in during unpopular governments with very little democracy in the Cabinet.

Kitchen knives, common tools, hands and feet are by FAR the biggest killing tools of all, here, because most murders occur with whatever is to hand! they are crimes of passion, drugs and madness, not terrorism or assassination

See also the murder of the "Bonus Army" in Washington DC, USA and the Battle of George Square, Scotland

Washington DC, a forgotten abuse of power
tanks in Glasgow, most folk don't know that ever happened

meanwhile, 600,000 folk have died on UK roads since then, and 6 MILLION on US roads
you see much done about that? huge TV campaigns every time someone gets run down, crying relatives on TV, hm? 
no, people are sacrificed under the wheels of cars and trucks every damn minute, for MONEY and power and selling the car as a god-like carriage.
then we can talk about cigarettes if you wish, they have killed more folk than World War II did. Corporations hide the dangers deliberately.
people don't mean jack squat, a few lives are "worth the price" to those who rule us. Long as it isn't THEIR lives.
Ever read Terry Pratchett? he makes good point about reality being about "head-ology", a humorous way of saying that people see what they WANT to see, most folk simply will not see the "reality" around them as it's too scary for them.

a moralistic Anarchy IS alas the only way to good governance, bizarre as that is, fat chance, our leaders won't allow it, they love power too much.
Re-elect NO ONE. only way to help solve these issues. 1 term only or you get inevitable corruption

and now...back to art ;)

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