Forum: Vue

Subject: Flexi-rules: to be bent or broken at moderator’s/admin’s whim

ArtPearl opened this issue on Aug 15, 2010 · 48 posts

bernieloehn posted Mon, 23 August 2010 at 3:22 PM

Attached Link: The picture where I had to put a pant on.

Dear ArtPearl,**

**I often have the same problem with this nudity item.
Once I had made a picture where the boy was too young
to be nude (see link). I had to make him older or dress him.
LOL! I couldn't refuse to use a certain design.

People under the age of 18 are never nude in reality.
... and babies come to this world clothed because then the stork can
better carry them or they are born in a cabbage patch.

... but my problem is sometimes elsehow or going further.
As I am gay I only use boys and man in my pictures.
... and YES sometimes it would be more realistic to show
their feelings without being pornographic

Well, such is life!

I live in Germany/Europe where we have nudist beaches
and people are not allowed to own weapons apart from for sports
and they have to pass an exam and then show a special permission.
In Germany only criminals own weapon without these permissions.

Well, possibly the problem is the difference in history between our
old-fashioned Europe and ... with our special experiences - especially in Germany -
during our 1000 years Reich (that luckily only lasted 12 years) when a government
consisting of criminals decided what art was and what was "degenerated"!

The word here is of cause not tolerance because this can be easily taken away again.
The word must be a worldwide acceptance of other life styles and opinions.

Many thanks for reading this.

Yours Bernie

P.S. Possibly I better markup all "Content Advisory(ies)" because of my post. ;-)

Keep cool and fight for the right of others
to have a different opinion than you have!

;- ) Bernie