Forum: Vue

Subject: Flexi-rules: to be bent or broken at moderator’s/admin’s whim

ArtPearl opened this issue on Aug 15, 2010 · 48 posts

LostinSpaceman posted Wed, 18 August 2010 at 5:42 PM

> Quote - Let me give you an example. Remember the hilarious "alien porn" issue from a couple of weeks ago? All discussions about it were locked down within I think two days. With the comment, all relevant is said, we close this down now. Result was that we started a Facebook group for Vue users - very nice, still rapidly growing and way beyond this issue now - and started a discussion about Renderosity and their policy there. Bravely enough, two Renderosity officials jumped in and participated in this discussion. But were unable to close the discussion obviously. After a long and always nice and civilized discussion the problem was understood and a partly solution for Renderosity was found. Our alien images were back, UNFLAGGED!

Sorry Wabe, but I have to disagree on two accounts here. First off, the discussion was NOT always civil and so they did indeed shut one voice down in that discussion because I left it twice due to the treatment I recieved from Renderosity moderators who came to hijack your discussion.  

Second, even though the Sixus 1 Grey Alien and FemaSu were eventually deemed NON-Nude, the image I had pulled because of their accused nudity were NEVER restored to my Gallery here and as such I have not restored any of the rest of my gallery that I pulled from this site. I'm attaching the pulled image here for everyone to see. No, it's no great work of art but that's not the point, it's also had to be compressed more to be uploaded to forum restricted size limits.

Quote - Everything stems from a basic misunderstanding:

Renderosity is NOT a artists community, it is a e-commerce site with forums for users to discuss products sold here and from "friendly" vendors (like DAZ or E-On) plus galleries which are nothing more than product showcases provided (without compensation for the work) from users.

First and foremost, this site's origins were EXACTLY an Artist Community. It has only over time been transformed into an ecommerce site. The more focused it becomes on e-commerce over it's original community, the less appealing it has become for the original  userbase.