Forum: Vue

Subject: Flexi-rules: to be bent or broken at moderator’s/admin’s whim

ArtPearl opened this issue on Aug 15, 2010 · 48 posts

ArtPearl posted Mon, 16 August 2010 at 3:12 PM

Well, I got to the dead end I expected, the moderators here and in the community forum telling me (one politely and one rudely)
" We'll do what we want. If you dont like it go away"
I presented the facts as I encountered them and the absurd consequences of the rules in many cases(please read my second post in the community thread too). I offered an alternative way of dealing with the flags for nudity. None of these were addressed in  a rational manner.
Well, so be it, I give up.
Just a couple of words to the worthy members who contributed to  this thread:

Silverblade - Your tenacity is commendable. I'm not trying to talk you into leaving. But If you have an opinion about specific issues I raised, why not express them? Do you have less faith than I had that anyone would listen?. Well, I truly hope you enjoy your stay here.

Alex- I suspect you are right, they implemented the interface in a primitive way which isnt easy to fix. I'd respect them if they said that. But the comments I gpg and saw ranged from 'cant be done' to 'very good idea'.  To me this flippant way of responding shows disrespect

Thefixer - There is no way for me to tell which of rendo's owners/employees are responsible to the policies or their application. Any and all of the satff are for me equal - they represent Rendo.
I just see the results and when the results make no sense I express my opinion. You must know I do my best to treat coordinators/moderators with respect and patience.
I try to sort what I can by site mail but that has limited value as the problems I raised here arnt personal, they have implications for the public. It is ridiculous that if I raise a matter in site mail first I cant then quote what was said.
I do not approach them as private people. My thread title doesnt imply they bend the rules for personal reasons. They bend them because there is no objective way to handle them.
Anyhow, I appreciate what you contributed to the forum as coordinator. I may disagree with some of your decisions but you always treated me with fairness and efficiency. Thanks.

Wabe - Thank you so much  for your comments. At least you followed my line of reasoning. That is some comfort. I wish you luck with your unclothed aliens:)

Chipp - My deepest apologies for what you seem to take as a personal attack. I tried to make it very clear I am not implying your product is flawed. I said explicitely I think it is different than any other instruction books I've seen and that I'm sure it will be of use. It was just an example of a rule applied in some cases but not in other. For what it's worth I think removing just the link seems a really strange 'resolution' and makes no sense. If the rules allow you to advertise or inform members about your book, why remove the link? Sorry about that result.
I hope I havnt omitted anyone else who made a valued contribution.
I'm sure there are others who support the opinions I expressed(I got some site mail support too), but seeng how my head gets bitten off for daring to raise alternatives, I'm not surprised they dont post their opinions.
If you intend to express your supportfor my ideas later in the thread, thanks in advance.
If you just agree quietly - thanks for that too.

"I paint that which comes from the imagination or from dreams, or from an unconscious drive. I photograph the things that I do not wish to paint, the things which already have an existence."
Man Ray, modernist painter