Forum: Vue

Subject: Flexi-rules: to be bent or broken at moderator’s/admin’s whim

ArtPearl opened this issue on Aug 15, 2010 · 48 posts

wabe posted Mon, 16 August 2010 at 2:03 AM

Shawn, I think you completely missed the point - and your comment about images is probably part of the problem that ArtPearl is pointing out. The lack of respect that is taking place here more and more, from other users and - more important - from the site officials. The nudity issue is just an illustration to have an example - a vehicle.

Where is an example beyond easily said words on this site about officials showing that they DO care about their users? The expression "service" seems to be written in very little characters (as we say here in Germany).

Let me give you an example. Remember the hilarious "alien porn" issue from a couple of weeks ago? All discussions about it were locked down within I think two days. With the comment, all relevant is said, we close this down now. Result was that we started a Facebook group for Vue users - very nice, still rapidly growing and way beyond this issue now - and started a discussion about Renderosity and their policy there. Bravely enough, two Renderosity officials jumped in and participated in this discussion. But were unable to close the discussion obviously. After a long and always nice and civilized discussion the problem was understood and a partly solution for Renderosity was found. Our alien images were back, UNFLAGGED!

You see, a discussion with users CAN bring up some new points - I wish this discussion was possible at Renderosity. Obviously it was not. I got a little bit of confidence back into SOME Renderosity officials (I have now the one guy as friend at Facebook) but not in Renderosity as is, they didn't saw ANY need to do an official statement, a "sorry that we did that" to us that were hit by this wrong action, simply nothing. So I keep staying away from any forum still - I learn from the officials..

My advice at Renderosity is to talk a bit less about rules, focus on the users and especially focus onto the community, communities, and make them again a positive and lively place they have been a while, some years ago. Common sense is the central key word here, not narrow-minded functionaries.

One day your ship comes in - but you're at the airport.