Forum: Vue

Subject: Flexi-rules: to be bent or broken at moderator’s/admin’s whim

ArtPearl opened this issue on Aug 15, 2010 · 48 posts

silverblade33 posted Sun, 15 August 2010 at 9:28 PM

Bureacracies suck, it's inevitable, that's the issue here and everywhere ;)
it's always a fight between folk's common sense, and the *"group dumbing down, mind of brain slurry that leads to Karka -esque stupidity"

I'm not getting at admins, it's way our ENTIRE species has issues with such.
Any overseer of any form, and leadership whatever, always has problems with this
see the infamous experiment of studen  sin a psychology test being guards and prisoners, and thus Abu Ghraib,
few folk have the ability to tell the "group" they are in to get stuffed if they do bad / wrong things.
And many folk support the group NO MATTER what the hell the group does, because of our psychology.
Hence you have folk dying heroically because they fear losing their friend's respect more than death (as a good side of this), or dying with Hitler rather than shooting the crazy SOB (bad side)

As Stephen King wonderfully said, roughly paraphrased:
"God may have made Man in His image, but Human society is made in the image of God's alter ego and is trying it's damndest to get back home!" :lol:

Naom Chomski is right, respectful, concerned anarchy is the only solution, which sounds a paradox, but isn't, but is probably impossible given Human weaknesses

On censorship
I saw folk posting over on C3D of jsut say, a fighter aircraft in flight, not shooting or anything, and they'd put "violence" labels on it, and argue such were indeed violent.
this utterly baffles me. an object CANNOT be violent  it's inanimate! Violence is most definatley "animate"
now if the plane was connected with other items to show violence is or has occured it's another matter.

Eroticism can be artistic, pornography rarely is and that's the difference, but it isn't one you easily pin down.

folk can have very peculiar views on things compared to our OWN views shrug such is life :)

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