Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue Clouds

eonite opened this issue on Nov 03, 2009 · 302 posts

eonite posted Sun, 08 August 2010 at 6:49 PM

Thanks for the feedback, folks. Glad you enjoy.
I`m happy it works also in 8.4 Complete.

Not so good news from you, Shawn. Thanks for checking anyway.

Actually I would love if it worked with all versions icluding Vue 7. But this would require me to restart more or less from scratch. Simply  too much work. Also, doing longer sessions in the FE with older versions can be a real pain, especially in Vue 7 (slow rsponse, too many crashes etc.).

Even in Version 8 I had to find a compromize. Wanted to pack as much as possible into Metanodes, but it seems that when fractal nodes are involved, Vue`s response is much better if those nodes are not inside of Metanodes.

Btw. Those with Vue version 8.5 can easily move the cloud layer since it`s listed as object in the world browser.
This is not possible with Vue 8.4, but if you enter the FE for the cloud layer, you can click the 3rd node from the top ("OSR r"). This reveals the parameters. Click "Random Offset" and you will get a variation of the layer.