Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue 3D Comic Manaul Now Shipping

chippwalters opened this issue on Jul 19, 2010 · 22 posts

ddaydreams posted Thu, 22 July 2010 at 10:29 AM

Quote -  Hi Frank,

I've checked it out on three different browsers (including Firefox) on two different OS'es, and can't reproduce the javascript issue you talk about. Can you refresh that page and try again?


Refreshed and problem remains.
Same problem  in google chrome and IE explorer version that came with windows 7.

Same with all browsers on my older xp system

The e-on site in general also has not displayed right in any browser or system of mine for months.
The fact that the whole site displays poorly may have something to do with the thumbnail problem.

when I go to

I get a long string of maybe 50 links. I have to scroll down past the links to get to the pages graphics which are not quite right either.

Anybody else been having a problem viewing with ? such as garbled graphics and links spraling all over. I mean it looks like bad HTML as if a child was trying to make a web page.

Frank Hawkins/Owner/DigitalDaydreams


Frank Lee Hawkins Eastern Sierra Gallery Store


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