Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue 3D Comic Manaul Now Shipping

chippwalters opened this issue on Jul 19, 2010 · 22 posts

silverblade33 posted Tue, 20 July 2010 at 4:21 PM

well I HATE having artbooks damaged when the younger DUMBASS postman shoves 'em through the letterbox....GAH!!! :/

amazon wraps 'em up well so they usually avoid harm, but say you get an Ebay item, it may be wrapped reasonably well, but not with the surround spacing of cardboard that amazon has.

Smart book sellers will put a book in an envelope with a "larger than the book itself sized" piece of cardboard
if shoved through letterbox, the cardboard takes the brunt of the fall, otherwise, you get corners of the book busted.

UPS iirc delivers to the person, not letterbox? so, avoids that but is more expensive.

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