Forum: Community Center

Subject: Censorship madness: cartoon aliens must have underwear!! WTH?!

silverblade33 opened this issue on Jul 16, 2010 · 41 posts

LaurieA posted Sat, 17 July 2010 at 2:22 AM

Quote - I give a shit!
I don't like the current TOS. I don't like the current TOS. I don't like the current TOS!
I think the current thumbnail rule is stupid!
I will keep on complaining till you change the rule to my liking!

Take deep breaths...
Carry on!

Now mods and coords. Go do your job.
remember, if we don't complain, you'll be out of a job.

I can't speak for all of them, but I'm sure some of the mods and coords would just love to be out of  a job...lmao.
