Forum: Community Center

Subject: Censorship madness: cartoon aliens must have underwear!! WTH?!

silverblade33 opened this issue on Jul 16, 2010 · 41 posts

lmckenzie posted Sat, 17 July 2010 at 1:59 AM

I agree that this is taking the rule to absurd extremes but that's what happens. If you have the rule and actually try to apply it with some degree of reason, then someone will complain about nude aliens and someone else will put green skin on Vicky and try to pass her off as an alien and therefore exempt, yada yada. It's far easier to err on the side of the absurd than to be rational when inevitably people are going to behave irrationally in either direction. It's unfortunate but I don't see a better practical way of dealing with it.

I'm sure this was a straight up, nothing to do with sex or porn or religion issue, but let's be real here. Nudity would not be an issue if it weren't for sex. The only reason people are offended by, obsessed with or turned on by nudity is because of sex, whether it's a Victorian lady teasing with a bit of ankle or a Muslim woman covering her face behind a veil, it's all about sex. Conservative attitudes toward nudity are for the most part ultimately down IMO to religion. It's virtually impossible to be completely immune to those views if you grow up in a culture with a strong conservative religious identification - even if you don't subscribe yourself. Thus, most of us would not go out on the street naked in the middle of a heatwave even if it were legal, religious or not - because we've been conditioned to see it as wrong.

My only point here is that if the artist sees his/her creations as innocent and non-sexual, then he/she might well view the events as related to an absurd and unhealthy obsession with sex and censorship, especially if he/she if not American because gee, somehow, we have a reputation for such things :-) So maybe that's why if might seem like a bigger deal to someone else. 

As to the issue of the figures sometimes being clothed, sometimes people put clothes on their dogs (or very compliant, unself-respecting cats). That doesn't mean they see them as being shamefully naked the rest of the time. I can't speak for the artist and I am only speculating here but I think it is good to try to understand where people are coming from, even if we don't share their views.

"Well..., today these idiots are in jail for in life prison."

And Argentina just legalized gay marriage, though I suppose those old Junta boys may already be familiar with that - being in prison and all :-) The wheels of justice grind slowly, but grind they do - sometimes at least.

"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H. L. Mencken