Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: I can't get my picture right

estherau opened this issue on Apr 02, 2010 ยท 171 posts

IsaoShi posted Tue, 13 April 2010 at 5:47 AM

No, don't change the render GC setting at all, 2.2 is 'correct'.

I meant the OS X default gamma setting. It's in your Mac System Preferences, Display.

With Snow Leopard it is already set to 2.2, so you don't need to change anything at all. If you were on Leopard or before I would have suggested changing it to 2.2, as I did when I was on Tiger.

Conclusion - you can completely ignore this subject!

"If I were a shadow, I know I wouldn't like to be half of what I should be."
Mr Otsuka, the old black tomcat in Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)