Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: I can't get my picture right

estherau opened this issue on Apr 02, 2010 · 171 posts

estherau posted Mon, 12 April 2010 at 6:45 PM

 Okay, started reading that thread BB, and here is a rare and probably very scary insight into the mind of esther.  ARe you ready?
I look at that stuff and think, but surely I'm not going to be fiddling with material nodes.  There are hundreds of materials in my scene (well maybe not hundreds but a hell of a lot).  I can't go changing them all.  They should be okay when I buy my stuff from rendero and daz.  even if I wanted to change them there are too many of them.
Love esther


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!