Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: I can't get my picture right

estherau opened this issue on Apr 02, 2010 · 171 posts

hborre posted Wed, 07 April 2010 at 9:39 AM

Sorry Esther, your screencaps are way too small when I open into a new window.  There is more shadow detail in that last render improving the scene a bit.  But I still agree with Isao, there is still too much light.  Personally, I would delete all lights, introduce 1 point to begin and set it for inverse square falloff.  Then I would allow IDL to manage the rest of the lighting.  Add non-shadow fill lights as needed.

In such a confined space, IBL and infinite may just be too overpowering to get a relatively decent illumination.  Usually those are techniques best reserved for outdoor lighting, IMHO.