Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue Clouds

eonite opened this issue on Nov 03, 2009 · 302 posts

bigbraader posted Sun, 04 April 2010 at 6:29 AM

Hi -

I've also purchased the CloudScapes pack ,and they're truly great - did so soon after I upgraded to Vue 8 Complete (haven't really made anything with 8 so far, it runs a little buggy on my system - graphic card issues, mostly).
But as for the "placement" of the cloud formations, there's a relatively simple way to try, and that's to rotate the camera/scene - I occasionally do that to get the position right. It's a "cheap" solution, of course (as opposed to fiddling with the metanodes) but it's quick :)
It's also a nifty  trick if you work with HDRI maps.
(Haven't read all the posts in this thread, maybe I'm just repeating someone).