Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue Clouds

eonite opened this issue on Nov 03, 2009 · 302 posts

eonite posted Fri, 02 April 2010 at 4:58 AM

*Note: when going through the following steps of the tutorial, always keep an eye on the Main Camera preview.*

Right click the Density Production preview to the left in order to access the function editor.

The current function has 4 nodes.

1- Gaussian Tooth: This node generates a "blurred" sphere. The Scale parameter is set to 5.
2- Offset node: This node lets you move the location of the "sphere".

Note: For some reason, when using the Offset node directly, you need to enter inverted values.
In this example a Z-value of -5, causes the sphere to move up 5 units vertically (roughly 1km).

3-This is a Metanode which lets you Offset/Rotate/Scale. It`s a Metanode that has become "standard" in all my cloud layers. The Y-Offset parameter has been set to 20 (this moves the sphere roughly 4km in the Y-direction.

Note: In this Metanode "Offset"  works as expected because it has been corrected internally.

4- This is another Metanode which rotates the cloud layer function 45 degrees counterclockwise. (A Vue cloud layer by default seems to be rotated 45 degrees, which makes it kind  hard to control the position of the clouds.)  By using this Metanode you will be able to move the cloud layer function as you would expect it to move. This means that for instance an
Y-Offset actually moves the cloud layer function in the Y direction (forth/backward)

Note: This Metanode has no parameters because usually you do not need to change its settings.

Play a bit with the parameters, like Scale parameter of the Gaussian Tooth node, or the Offset parameters of the Offset node above the Gaussian Tooth node.

What you can also try is to change the Wavelength parameters of the Gaussian Tooth node. For instance, when you set Wavelegth Z to 0.5 you "squeeze" the sphere.

Always check what happens in the Main Camera preview.