Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: New (Japanese?) Character!!

nakamuram opened this issue on Mar 01, 2010 · 51 posts

LaurieA posted Tue, 02 March 2010 at 11:37 PM

Scaled her legs down a bit more:

Seems there's a morph to scale just about everything on this gal. I did scale her hands down, though I think the wonky look in my first image was camera angle more than anything ;o).

I'm trying to do some morphs for her face, but it seems she's not exactly symmetrical, so it's gonna be a little harder than I thought ;o). Putting epicanthic eye folds on Antonia was hard enough. I think it's gonna be doubly hard to get them out of She DOES have some nice eye fold morphs tho which goes a little ways toward making her look slightly caucasion, but either way, she's cute as a button ;o).

edit: She does NOT take V3 or V2 poses too well, just in case you were wondering :o).
