Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Free stocking+leg shader

bagginsbill opened this issue on Nov 08, 2007 · 245 posts

RobynsVeil posted Mon, 04 January 2010 at 12:30 AM

Sheesh, I have a lot of hours too, but I really think you might be leveraging a bit of your physics and maths skills, here, Bill. Seriously, I never considered materials might have a mathematical basis until I happened to read your thoughts on the matter. Or your knowledge on light and its behaviour: nahhh, could have gone 12000 hours in Poser without arriving at the discovery that perhaps there might be a basis in physics for the way light behaves.
You know, the whole: "none are so blind as those who refuse to see" thing...
I was doing like most: stringing nodes together willy-nilly to see what effect I could generate. Fun, but bogus.

Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2

Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand] 

Metaphor of Chooks