Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue 8 test renders

chippwalters opened this issue on Oct 20, 2009 · 26 posts

theSea posted Thu, 22 October 2009 at 12:03 PM

Quote - I am most curious about these "strata filters"

are they in the function editor ?

could we ( ME :D ) ask for a step by step ?

It's in the function editor under Filters... Recursive...  There's a "Strata" node and a "Confined Strata" node, the latter adds upper and lower limits on the effect.

On the two images linked, I added it between the terrain fractal and the altitude output.  'Layers' features a very high "Rock Layer Hardness" while 'Peaks' usues a very low "Rock Layer Hardness" value.  Otherwise, mostly playing with the dials in those...