Forum: Vue

Subject: Semi OT - CryEngine 3 demo

agiel opened this issue on Aug 12, 2009 · 8 posts

silverblade33 posted Thu, 13 August 2009 at 8:24 AM

Dale b
lol how true AND for Hollywood, as I kepe gripping bitterly about.
However, HalfLife2, STALKER shadow of Chernobyl and some others are much better in every way than many Hollywood movies!
Sooner play Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, again, than watch the dross from Tinsel Town.
However, the great graphics helps the atmosphere of STALKER and HalfLife, the scariness of the underground bunkers in STALKER (inviisble blood sucking mindflayers, OMFG!! pants suddenly fill ! lol, and Ravenhome in HalflIfe2 thus making them far more eerie! :)

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