Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: IBL + IDL .. Yay or nay?

Zanzo opened this issue on Aug 11, 2009 · 95 posts

bagginsbill posted Wed, 12 August 2009 at 3:22 PM


Have a look here:

I demonstrated taking an existing studio portrait with a VSS character, starting with IBL and GC shaders.

I flipped on GI and got blown shaders. Too much light, and also shows the problem of using GC shaders with GI.

Then I disabled the output GC on the shaders, but I left the input anti-GC as always. I used P8 Exponential tone mapping (not HSV Exponential) to perform the final GC. It works the same as the output GC on our shaders. So we get the full benefit of anti-GC, linear shader calculations, linear GI values, and sRGB final pixel values. All with 5 minutes work on an existing scene. 

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