Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: IBL + IDL .. Yay or nay?

Zanzo opened this issue on Aug 11, 2009 · 95 posts

ice-boy posted Wed, 12 August 2009 at 11:34 AM

Quote - Ice-boy,

You already know the answer. Before IDL (before last week) we did not use IDL, only normal IBL and AO, and we used GC shaders.

If you are not using IDL, then the values produced by a shader are not used by lighting calculations so it's ok if the value is non-linear.

However, I take this into account in my use of reflections. I assume that everything in my scene is a GC shader, and producing an sRGB color. So I anti-GC what comes from a Reflect node before adding it to other things.

The problem with shader GC + IDL is that the output of a shader is not only used to color a pixel in our image. It is also used to decide how much light reaches other parts of the scene. Therefore, we must not lie about that, or the IDL calculation will be biased towards being too bright.

If only we could tell the IDL to do that, then we could use GC shaders even with IDL.

so HVS tone mapping is not like GC. but i think you said it still pretty good.

do you think we should from now on use only tone mapping since its easier to use the same shaders all the time?