Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Material Room, Nodes & Shaders - Tutorials and Discussions (Bookmarks - Updated)

Acadia opened this issue on Dec 06, 2007 ยท 217 posts

ThunderStone posted Wed, 06 May 2009 at 6:58 AM

Quote - Well, until I can get another update done....

Here is an addition about "Blood"


I know you must be tired by now but the above link doesn't go any where. There is no http://blood/ website... :lol:


OS: Windows 11 64-bit
Poser: Poser 11.3 ...... Units: inches or meters depends on mood
Bryce: Bryce Pro 7.1.074
Image Editing: Corel Paintshop Pro
Renderer: Superfly, Firefly

9/11/2001: Never forget...

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Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday