Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Material Room, Nodes & Shaders - Tutorials and Discussions (Bookmarks - Updated)

Acadia opened this issue on Dec 06, 2007 · 217 posts

bagginsbill posted Mon, 04 May 2009 at 6:31 PM

They are working on it. I just spoke to them today. My postings sometimes use scripts (text files) and those were all missing, but not lost forever. Also, PNG file images were not moved. They will move them.

But yes all bookmarks are ruined. I don't know wny they don't include a forwarder from old style URL to new one. But they don't.

Renderosity forum reply notifications are wonky. If I read a follow-up in a thread, but I don't myself reply, then notifications no longer happen AT ALL on that thread. So if I seem to be ignoring a question, that's why. (Updated September 23, 2019)