Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Artistic "Lens"

bagginsbill opened this issue on Oct 29, 2008 ยท 247 posts

EnglishBob posted Tue, 17 March 2009 at 10:05 AM

Hypothetically speaking, if there should happen to be a "make my scene sRGB" script at some time in the future, then my money would more or less leap out of my wallet of its own accord. ;)

And thanks for making me look up sRGB. In my line of work, I ought to know this stuff. Maybe it's time to retire. Then I can spend more time playing with Poser. I just have to break it to Mrs. Bob that we have to live in poverty for the rest of our lives, or until the kids can support us, whichever is first. :)

Lastly, my compliments to this thread's participants for their dedication to scientific reasoning above personal axe-grinding. That happens all too seldom in this (or any other) forum.