Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Artistic "Lens"

bagginsbill opened this issue on Oct 29, 2008 · 247 posts

kobaltkween posted Thu, 12 March 2009 at 5:02 PM

Quote -
With regard to the claim I made about "you don't ever need 100%" I meant "to get your figure lit indoors." Of course if you're doing a scene which is supposed to model the reality of a situation where the dominant light source is 10 times brighter than the ambient light, AND you're simulating a camera exposure value that is adjusted to the ambient light, then of course you'd have a light source that is way over 100%, as I did.

right.  my point wasn't that you were wrong at all.  my point is that you're communicating in a way that makes you repeat yourself and others have problematic results.  you're coming at it technically, knowing the reality and how to match it.  most people are just trying to make pretty pictures of pretty girls.  most Poser users are pinup artists, and pinups are 90% bright, uniform lighting.  so when they say, "the lighting isn't any good."  what they mean is, "the lighting doesn't look like what i want or expect given what i was doing before." 

given that people are still using light sets and don't seem (in general) to be using your IBL generator, the relationship between the environment and lighting isn't as concrete in your works.  i mean, most people like a figure against a sunset to be fully and brightly lit from the front.  totally breaks realism for me, but i've been told several times that it's better that way.  same way i've been told burned in highlights in hair are better. 

if you want to tell people how to have "good" lights, i'd estimate that well over half of the time that translates to bright as daylight in a white room lighting.