Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Artistic "Lens"

bagginsbill opened this issue on Oct 29, 2008 ยท 247 posts

shedofjoy posted Sat, 07 March 2009 at 5:57 PM

The reason i ask about the blur effect was that i had an idea...
DOF in poser is incredibly slow, as those who have tried it will know, and doing depth masks and moving them to photoshop etc is annoyingly time consuming, so i thought......
what about making several inward facing spheres each with the lens material on them but with a blur effect on each one.... then depending on where objects are positioned (ie between spheres) depends on there blurred effect. and hopefully a faster and cheaper version of DOF....
i did try altering the refract node (plugged into the alternate diffuse)softness value and quality but this has two problems.... 1st is it increases the time of the render which wasn't the point and 2nd is the refract not on the closest sphere to the camera negates the effects of all the spheres further out from the camera.... so is there a fast and more stable way of doing this and is this a good idea????
I hope when poser 8 comes along they will make a fast realtime DOF....

Getting old and still making "art" without soiling myself, now that's success.