Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Help! Can't render a Lycanthropos hairy in my poser 7 without it freezing or shu

Akunin opened this issue on Feb 23, 2009 · 60 posts

Gareee posted Mon, 23 February 2009 at 6:23 PM

No biggie.. and sorry for that whole thing being in red.. evidently the text came over that way when I cut n pasted it.

I did the NightWolf PLUS set, so I knew the answer immeduiately, since I was dealing with it during developement.

Basically, the fur version was developed, and when the update was released to P7, if fixed a bug with old hair products, made new pones possible, BUT it also brokwe some things that depended on the bug existing.

Luthbel would have had to completely redo the furred version, and he already had many vendors counting on him for a specific release date, so he was kinda boxed in.

Way too many people take way too many things way too seriously.