Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Artistic "Lens"

bagginsbill opened this issue on Oct 29, 2008 · 247 posts

Realmling posted Mon, 02 February 2009 at 12:21 PM

I will experiment some more when I get home and post some pictures (I just made myself post from work because I keep forgetting in the middle of my frustrations with Poser recently....)

It's probably some material setting I haven't even thought of or some little thing I've missed, just that after rendering, futzing, rendering and repeating such for hours I throw the towel in and go read a book. If I render without the GC lens, you can see the eye textures, but then the rest of the scene is rather "blah"...and with it, everything else looks fine, I just have odd glowy eyes.

But will be back later with images so I can hopefully get whatever is going on sorted out and fixed.

Crazy alien chick FTW! (yeah....right....)

Realm of Savage - Poser goodies and so much more!
