Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Artistic "Lens"

bagginsbill opened this issue on Oct 29, 2008 · 247 posts

Realmling posted Mon, 02 February 2009 at 10:56 AM

BB -- I'm having some issues with using the Gamma Correct lens (one with the hsv node) that's been putting me off my render-fu. (I'm also at work right images will have to wait...sorry)

I end up with my characters having glowing eyes like they're in some crapy B vampire movie...which would be great if I was rendering crapy vampires....however, I'm not. It's like there's something on the ambient channel when there isn't and it's completely off. (unless I've missed something else on one of the other eye materials on the figures I've used...completely possible) There's no hint of the eye texture, just a washed out glowy look - even when it's more of a closeup shot.

I don't have a lot of options for doing it within P6....unless I do it in post, but I'm rather lazy and the most I want to do after the render is done is stick my signature on it and make thumbnails...

Crazy alien chick FTW! (yeah....right....)

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