Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Antonia - Opinions?

odf opened this issue on Oct 27, 2008 · 13928 posts

odf posted Mon, 27 October 2008 at 5:30 AM

And the lo-res a.k.a. original version. I'm making Antonia in Wings3D and subdivide once for Poser export. The original has around 9600 and the standard Poser version a bit more than 38000 polygons. I had to turn ambient occlusion off for this render because I'm still using Poser 6 which is prone to produce artifacts if things aren't very, very smooth.

I'm using a not quite up-to-date version of BagginsBill's upcoming VSS skin shader, by the way. She has no texture except for the eyes and the transmapped lashes and brows.

-- I'm not mad at you, just Westphalian.