Forum: LightWave

Subject: 9.3 new skin nodes

onnetz opened this issue on Oct 06, 2007 · 16 posts

LisaG528 posted Sun, 12 October 2008 at 3:31 PM

I'm really confused with Lightwave, and i'm not sure if anyone can help - but i'm looking to create realistic skins that i can take into photoshop and make different makeup shades, then bring into second life.  I've looked for tutorials on youtube, but it doesn't seem that anyone has step by step instructions. In college I used to use Cinema 4D, which, since college has slipped a bit from my mind, but I know that Lightwave works very well with Second Life.
Does anyone have tips/tutorials/bases (i'm willing to pay) that i could use?  As long as the skin fits the layout on second i'd be happier than a pig in....mud. :)
Thank you!