Forum: MarketPlace Showcase

Subject: I (ratracer) will be closing my store by the 30 th september

ratracer opened this issue on Sep 28, 2008 · 52 posts

ratracer posted Sun, 05 October 2008 at 12:53 PM

First of all, thank you all.
Thanks for all the support, and also for enjoying my sets... I had much more sales than I ever expected, and much more positive comments than I ever imagined...

You know, creating 3d sets was always a surprising experience, as I was surprised every time by the end result. But much more than that, I was always surprised that other people liked it!

In any case, the closing of the store was a difficult decision, more than that,: it was, as it came to be, a sad moment. As you have noticed, during this year, I had almost stopped making 3d sets -  that was due to personal  reasons, most of  them  good, by the way, but made my dedication and time to creating 3d sets to take a significant  cut.  This I missed, because  I felt it as a part of my regular day - it completed, in those times, my day.  But more than  just  having me almost stop,  it came the time  when I had to close my store: my  real life job has nothing to do with 3d, but has an exclusity clause (for which I am paid for) which prevents me from getting earnings from any other source (in a regular basis, in any case)... Generic rules from big companies, that don't accept exceptions!

Just to finish - I understand that something that no one accepts well, and neither do I, is having my sets disappear to the recesses of my hard disk... but there is a chance that they will be back in a  market, in the net, somewhere ( and I am not referring to piracy sites LOL)... but I still don't know if it will be and that is not something that I will anounce here...