Forum: MarketPlace Showcase

Subject: I (ratracer) will be closing my store by the 30 th september

ratracer opened this issue on Sep 28, 2008 · 52 posts

Teruchan posted Mon, 29 September 2008 at 6:38 PM

 This is a real shame. I have quite a few of your sets too. Like others, I am not in a position to buy anything before the end date, but if I was , I would try to get it all.

I, unfortunately, know what you mean about real life profession stopping you from doing your 3D vendor work. I had to move on shortly after getting started, and even in 2013 I won't be back. (Interestingly, that is 5 years. Is there any significance?)

I hope there will be some way to get some of your great items again goon.

The Real Teruchan