Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: How to create/view Poser scenes with stereo viewer

AbaloneLLC opened this issue on Aug 24, 2008 ยท 11 posts

Tashar59 posted Mon, 25 August 2008 at 5:39 PM

No you can't just cross your eyes unless you set the image up that way. I do it the opposite. I relax my eyes. My eyes don't hurt as much. That means you need to switch the images. So it depends on if you like to cross your eyes or relax your eyes on how you set it up. Which means one gets left out ofr has to see the effect work backwards.

So glasses would be the best way. Then anyone can look at them. As I said, stand alone glasses look to be the best way so you don't have to print out the images if you just want to look at them on your screen.

BTW the images that are posted in this thread are for those that relax thier eys. If you want to see them right cross eyed you need to switch the images right to left.